6 Surprising Things You Need To Know About Sleep

6 Surprising Things You Need To Know About Sleep

When Body Fit can be something in which can be easy to take for granted. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, in addition to injuries. Before discussing 6 Surprising Things You Need To Know About Sleep, understand if Balanced nutrition has many benefits. By generating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, in addition to diabetes.
the idea’s Monday morning in addition to you’re already feeling exhausted, although the idea’s only the beginning of the week. the idea’s hard to know if your drowsiness can be due to a long weekend, a bad night’s sleep or the typical Monday morning blues.
By today you’ve likely heard a lot about how much sleep you need—typically 7 to 8 hours for adults. the idea's not just the quantity, the quality of your sleep matters, too. 

So what exactly can be a Great night’s rest? What impacts how well you sleep? in addition to how does a lack of sleep affect your body in addition to mind? Here are answers to some of the most common sleep related questions:
1.    What can be considered solid shuteye? Well...
the idea takes you no more than 30 minutes to fall asleep.
You don’t wake up more than once in a night.
If you do wake up, the idea takes you no more than 20 minutes to fall back asleep.
When you are in bed, you spend more than 85% of your time sleeping.
2.    Does what you eat impact how well you sleep? Yes.
Eating too much saturated fat in addition to too little fiber can affect how well you sleep.
Consuming too much sugar can make the idea more likely in which you'll wake up within the middle of the night.
Avoiding food in addition to drinks in which are spicy, greasy, sugary or alcoholic can reduce your risk of sleep-interrupting heartburn.
Getting more B vitamin-rich foods, such as dairy, eggs, meat, poultry in addition to fish, can regulate melatonin in addition to help stabilize your sleep.
3.    Could allergies be keeping you up at night? Potentially.
Allergies can trigger headaches, sniffles in addition to general discomfort preventing you by getting a restful night’s sleep. Keep these tips in mind:
If you're allergic to pets, bathe them weekly in addition to keep them out of the bedroom. 
Use dust mite covers on your mattress in addition to pillows, in addition to wash sheets regularly in hot water. Opt for blankets made of synthetic materials, not wool.
Limit mold by keeping windows open within the bathroom. Fix leaks in addition to clean up water promptly. If you do have a moldy area, hire a professional to clean the idea.
Skip candles, scented laundry detergent, air fresheners in addition to various other heavy fragrances in your bedroom.
Clean furnace, air conditioner in addition to vacuum filters regularly.

   4.  What should you do to fall back asleep? Try This kind of.

Remember, quality over quantity. So the next time a child, a strange noise or insomnia wakes you up at night, get back to sound snoozing with these tips:
Practice progressive muscle relaxation or deep breathing exercises.
Watching the clock, may worsen anxiety, so don't do the idea. Turn the idea away by you in addition to close your eyes.
Calm your mind by thinking about the Great things in which happened to you in which day. 
If you still can't sleep after 20 minutes, go to another room in addition to do something relaxing. Skip the TV in addition to phone. Try listening to music or reading a book, in addition to remember to keep lighting dim.
5.    Does how you wake up matter? You can make the idea more fun.
The right alarm clock can make the difference. When choosing one, keep these thoughts in mind:
Think functional, not looks. Make sure the buttons are easy to find when you're groggy first thing within the morning.
Skip those in which emit bright blue light in which can interfere with sleep. Opt for one in which uses softer amber, orange or red to help you sleep more soundly.
Avoid harsh alarm tones. Choose one in which eases you into the day having a sound in which you enjoy, whether in which's the news, your favorite music or nature sounds. Consider one in which gradually increases the volume to gently rouse you.
Look for fun features in which make sure you won't oversleep: a light in which turns on slowly at the time you should wake or a vibration setting to help wake you.
6.    Does a lack of sleep truly affect your entire body? Absolutely.
While the idea may be tough to get everything checked off of your daily to-do list, you shouldn’t compromise on sleep. Giving up sleep to get more done may do more harm than Great. A lack of sleep can impact you by head to toe, causing everything by:
Reduced cognitive function, generating the idea more difficult to remember, focus, learn fresh things, solve problems in addition to make decisions.
Increased stress reaction.
Irritability in addition to moodiness.
Reduced reaction time, affecting school or work performance in addition to raising your risk of a car accident.
Increased risk of developing high blood pressure in addition to cardiovascular disease.
Increased susceptibility to illness.
Wondering how you can sleep better?
Sleeping well in today’s demanding, fast-paced society can be a challenge to say the least. However, for your overall health in addition to wellbeing, the idea’s well worth the effort. If you’re struggling to sleep soundly, Gwinnett Medical Group Primary Care can be prepared to help. With an experienced team of providers, the latest in care options in addition to a wide range of resources, you will receive customized care for all of your sleep related needs. 

Lens Implant Problems after LASIK

Lens Implant Problems after LASIK

To ensure in which you stay as healthy as possible, we've outlined a guide in which should help you do just in which -- detailing your physical, mental, along with emotional health. Before discussing Lens Implant Problems after LASIK, understand if Great nutrition has many benefits. By creating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, along with diabetes.
Lens Implant Problems after LASIK

Lens Implant Problems after LASIK

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information inside Ask Cataract Surgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com will be not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery or Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com will be not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist along with Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any various other means will be not a substitute for medical care.

Discomfort after Lens Implants

Discomfort after Lens Implants

When Body Fit is usually something that will is usually easy to take for granted. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, as well as injuries. Before discussing Discomfort after Lens Implants, note that will Great nutrition has many benefits. By doing healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, as well as diabetes.
Question:  Two months ago I had an AcrySof® IQ Toric IOL, product: SN6AT3-power 26.0D implanted in my left eye after removing cataracts.  According to the doctor all is usually Great, nevertheless my eye feels heavy, at the bottom edge the item feels like there is usually an eyelash or something in there as well as the item gets blood shot very easily as well as the item seems to blur over as well as I have to blink. In fact I am blinking a lot more than usual. I had same lens implant in my right eye with power: 22.5 D as well as there is usually no problem. Do you have any suggestions?  I appreciate your help.
Answer: Without a clinical exam the item is usually impossible to tell why you are symptomatic. However, the types of symptoms you relay suggest that will you have a dry eye problem. Typically we could see dry eyes in BOTH eyes nevertheless the item is usually possible that will due to the anatomy of your eyelids from the left eye or some temporary interference with the corneal nerves by the cataract surgery in left eye, This particular is usually the one that will bothers you. You best next step is usually to visit your cataract surgeon as well as express the discomfort as you have done here. If he or she is usually not able to offer any help then seek a second opinion.

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information from the Ask Cataract Surgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com is usually not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery or Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com is usually not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist as well as Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any some other means is usually not a substitute for medical care.

Eye Cancer (Melanoma): Causes, Symptoms in addition to Treatmen

When Body Fit will be often not in note when we're fine. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, in addition to injuries. Before discussing Eye Cancer (Melanoma): Causes, Symptoms in addition to Treatmen, understand if Great nutrition has many benefits. By creating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, in addition to diabetes.

Eye Cancer (Melanoma): Causes, Symptoms in addition to Treatmen

Melanoma of the eye, or the eye melanoma will be a rare type of cancer in which affects different parts of the eye, particularly the choroid, the ciliary body, in addition to iris. Choroidal melanoma will be the most common type of cancer inside the eye.

Many people are confused by aspects of melanoma eye cancer types, as melanoma will be most commonly associated with the skin. Melanoma develops through melanocytes, the cells in which contain dark pigment (melanin) in which defines the skin coloring. Melanocytes are not exclusive to the skin, melanocytes can be found inside the hair, eyes in addition to lining of some organs.

Melanoma Causes Eye
As with different types of cancer, we are not quite sure what the cause of ocular melanoma, yet there will be a suspicion in which in which will be related to exposure to the sun's UV rays. However, in which theory has not been proven. Although the causes of ocular melanoma can not be determined precisely, the researchers have identified risk factors for the disease. Risk factors for ocular melanoma include:
  • White or have a hair coloring in addition to eye coloring are shining
  • Dysplastic nevus syndrome, a condition in which causes abnormal moles
  • Having melanocytosis oculodermal, a rare condition in which causes increased in addition to abnormal eye in addition to skin pigmentation around the eyes

Symptoms of Melanoma Eye
Sometimes there are visible symptoms of ocular melanoma, especially inside the early stages. In in which case, eye melanoma will be usually diagnosed through a routine eye examination by an optician. Symptoms of melanoma of the eye include:
• Blurred vision in one eye
• Floaters (smaller spots on the eyes)
• modifications in iris coloring or dark spots on the iris
• red in addition to sore eyes
• Eyes bulging
• Loss of peripheral vision

Melanoma Treatment Eye
Treatment of ocular melanoma will be based on the eye are affected in addition to whether in which has spread to different parts of the body. Surgery will be a common treatment method by removing part or all of the eye.
Removal of the eye (enucleation) may be required in some cases of large tumors when different treatment methods are not suitable. Artificial eye can be made in many cases. Prosthetic eye will be at in which point far more realistic than inside the past. Created by a talented, trained people called ocularists.
Radiation therapy will be also a common method of treatment of ocular melanoma. in which may only be done after treatment or surgery. There are two types of radiation therapy are external in addition to internal. Both use a certain energy to disrupt the activity of cancer cells to eliminate them in addition to prevent cell division.
External radiation delivering radiation through a special machine in which targets the tumor site externally. The method will be specific in addition to limit radiation damage to surrounding tissue.
Internal radiation (brachytherapy), often called plaque therapy, treatment of ocular melanoma using the "seed" or "plaques" radioactive implanted near the tumor site to provide therapy. Typically, remained embedded for 7 days in addition to then taken.
Radiation therapy will be effective against ocular melanoma, yet not without side effects. Red, dry eye will be a common side effect. Cataracts are sometimes the result of the therapy, yet surgery may be an option to remove in which. Bilumata loss in addition to shortening may also occur. Radiation therapy can cause damage to the optic nerve, glaucoma, in addition to abnormal blood vessels inside the retina, yet in which rarely happens.

Eye Cancer & Treatment

Health can be often not in note when we're fine. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, as well as injuries. Before discussing Eye Cancer & Treatment, understand if Balanced nutrition has many benefits. By creating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, as well as diabetes.

Eye Cancer & Treatment

What can be eye cancer?
An eye cancer can be a cancer in which starts inside eye. There are different types of eye cancers. There are two main areas to the eye – the front of the eye as well as the back, the eyeball. You can see these inside diagram below.

The eyeball
The eyeball has three layers sandwiched together
  • The outer white fibrous layer, the sclera

  • The middle blood rich layer, the choroid

  • The inner coloured (pigmented) layer, the retina.

The inside of the eyeball can be filled that has a clear jelly like substance called vitreous humour. in which, as well as the fibrous white sclera help to keep the shape of your eyeball.
The retina lines the inside of the eyeball. in which can be the nerve layer of the eye. The cells of the retina react to light. They send messages to the brain through the optic nerve, creating in which possible for you to see.
The front of the eye
The front of the eye can be the bit you can see. The 3 layers continue round through the eyeball yet they make up different structures inside front of the eye.

The fibrous sclera becomes clear, instead of white. in which part of in which can be called the cornea as well as covers your pupil as well as iris.

The middle choroid layer becomes the iris as well as the ciliary body. The iris can be the coloured part around your pupil in which covers the lens of the eye. in which controls how much light enters your eye.

The ciliary body lies just behind the iris. in which has two functions. in which can be the muscle in which controls the focusing of the eye. as well as in which makes the clear fluid (aqueous humour) in which fills as well as shapes the front of your eye.

The uvea
The middle layer of the eye can be called the uvea. The front (anterior) uvea includes the iris as well as ciliary body. The back (posterior) uvea can be the choroid. The uveal layer can be the most common place for eye cancers to start. You may hear your doctor talk about uveal, iris, ciliary body or choroidal melanomas.
The tissues surrounding the eyeball (orbit)
The orbit can be the tissue surrounding the eyeball. in which includes

Muscles in which allow the eyeball to move in different directions
Nerves attached to the eye
Cancers in in which part of the eye are called orbital cancers. They are very rare.
Structures around the eye
Structures around the eye include the eyelids as well as tear glands. They are called accessory or adnexal structures. So doctors call cancers in which develop in these tissues adnexal cancers.

Symptoms of Eye Cancer

There are several symptoms. various other eye conditions in which aren’t eye cancer can cause many of these symptoms. yet in which can be important in which you report any of them to your doctor. People with eye cancer may have

  • Bulging of one eye

  • Complete or partial loss of sight

  • Pain in or around the eye (rare with eye cancer)

  • Blurred vison

  • Change inside appearance of the eye

Eye cancer can also cause

  • Seeing spots or flashes of light or wiggly lines in front of your eyes

  • Blinkered vision (loss of peripheral vision) – you can see what can be straight ahead clearly, yet not what can be at the sides

  • A dark spot on the coloured part of the eye (the iris) in which can be getting bigger

Causes of Eye Cancer 

Eye colour

People with blue, grey or green eyes are more likely to develop eye melanoma than people with brown eyes. inside same way, fair skinned people are more likely to get melanoma of the skin than people with darker skin.

People who have abnormal brown spots (pigmentation) on their uvea (called oculodermal melanocytosis) are at an increased risk of developing eye melanoma too.


Some families tend to have large numbers of moles on their skin, or moles in which are unusual (doctors call them atypical). The atypical moles tend to be an irregular shape or colour. They also have a tendency to become cancerous. People with moles like in which have a higher than average risk of skin melanoma as well as eye melanoma.


We know in which over exposure to sunlight can be a definite risk factor for melanoma of the skin. in which has also possibly been linked to melanoma of the eye. Men who have higher exposure to sunlight through their work have an increased risk of eye melanoma. Exposure before the age of 30 seems to be most important. Natural ageing adjustments inside eye mean in which can be unlikely in which exposure to sunlight in middle age causes eye melanoma.

Squamous cell eye cancer

The risk factors for squamous cell eye cancer include

  • Infection with HIV

  • Drugs in which suppress the immune system

  • Human papilloma virus infection

  • Sunlight

Infection with HIV

People who have HIV are at a higher risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the eye. in which can be almost certainly because of the effect of the virus on their immune systems.

Drugs in which suppress the immune system

People who have an organ transplant need to take drugs to stop their immune systems rejecting the completely new organ. These drugs damp down the immune system generally. Because of in which, these people are at an increased risk of some types of cancer, including squamous cell carcinoma of the eye.

Human papilloma virus infection

Human papilloma virus (HPV) may cause squamous cell carcinoma of the eye in combination with various other factors. The virus causes squamous cell cancers elsewhere inside body. Researchers have found DNA through HPV in squamous cell cancers of the eye as well as in abnormal precancerous cells. People with squamous cell cancer of the eye have higher levels of antibodies to HPV in their blood than people without in which type of cancer. Infection with HPV can be very common as well as not everyone infected will get cancer. So there are probably various other factors working with the HPV in which explain why some people get in which as well as others don’t. One of these co factors may be sunlight.


Sun exposure has been linked to a higher risk of squamous cell cancer of the eye. in which type of cancer can be more common in areas of the globe where the sun’s light can be stronger than inside UK.

Lymphoma of the eye

Anyone whose immune system can be not working as well as in which should be may be more likely to develop a lymphoma of the eye. in which includes people who

  • Are taking drugs to stop organ rejection after a transplant

  • Have AIDS

  • Have autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis

  • Are born with rare medical syndromes which affect their immunity

A bacteria called chlamydophila psittaci may increase the risk of a type of eye lymphoma called ocular adnexal malt lymphoma. Chlamydophila psittaci can be caught by exposure to infected birds or domestic animals such as cats. in which usually causes lung infections yet can cause long term inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis). Italian studies have linked ocular adnexal malt lymphoma to long term conjunctivitis due to chlamydophila psittaci. yet studies inside United States have not shown an increased risk. So we need more research to see whether there can be a link.

Treatment of Eye Cancer

Eye cancer treatment can fall in following categories:

  • Surgery

  • Radiotherapy

  • Chemotherapy


Surgery can be used to treat some intraocular melanomas yet can be not used to treat intraocular lymphoma. in which can be used less often than inside past as the use of radiation therapy has grown.

The type of surgery depends on the location as well as size of the tumor. Patients are under general anesthesia (in a deep sleep) during these operations, as well as they usually leave the hospital 1 or 2 days afterward. The operations used to treat people with melanoma include:

  • Iridectomy: Removal of part of the iris. in which operation may be an option for very modest iris melanomas.
  • Iridotrabeculectomy: Removal of part of the iris, plus a modest piece of the outer part of the eyeball. modest iris melanomas may be treated with in which technique.
  • Iridocyclectomy: Removal of a portion of the iris as well as the ciliary body. in which operation can be also used for modest iris melanomas.
  • Resection: Doctors in some cancer centers may try to surgically resect (remove) a melanoma of the ciliary body or choroid. in which can be done for modest melanomas yet in which can be hard to remove the tumor without damaging the rest of the eye. in which can lead to severe vision problems.
  • Enucleation: Removal of the entire eyeball. in which can be used for larger melanomas (T4 or large T3 tumors), yet in which may also be done for some smaller melanomas if various other treatment options could destroy useful vision inside eye anyway. During the same operation, an orbital implant can be usually put in to take the place of the eyeball. The implant can be made out of silicone or hydroxyapatite (a substance similar to bone). in which can be attached to the muscles in which moved the eye, so in which should move the same way as the eye could have. Within a few weeks after surgery, you visit an ocularist (a specialist in eye prostheses) to be fitted with an artificial eye in which will match the size as well as coloration of the remaining eye. The artificial eye can be a thin shell in which fits over the orbital implant as well as under the eyelids. Once the eye can be in place, in which will be hard to tell in which apart through the real eye.

Radiotherapy for eye melanomas

Radiotherapy uses high energy rays to kill cancer cells. in which can be truly only a suitable treatment for modest or medium sized eye melanomas.

If you have radiotherapy for a modest or medium sized eye melanoma, in which may be possible to save the eye as well as keep your sight. in which will depend on where the tumour can be within the eye, as well as its size. Sometimes you have surgery for your eye melanoma before you have radiotherapy.

There are different ways of giving radiotherapy to the eye. They are

  • Brachytherapy – modest radioactive plates stitched to the eye give the radiotherapy (local radiotherapy)

  • External beam therapy – a machine directs radiotherapy beams at the tumour through outside the eye

Radiotherapy for eye lymphomas

If you have lymphoma of the eye your doctor may suggest radiotherapy as for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Radiotherapy to your eye as well as brain can clear the cancer inside eye as well as also helps to stop in which through coming back inside brain or spinal cord.

Radiotherapy to the brain may cause problems with memory as well as thinking clearly. in which only happens in a modest number of adults. If you do develop these side effects, they can appear a few months or several years after you were first treated. Unfortunately, these late side effects are usually permanent. as well as occasionally they can become worse over a long period of time.


Most people with eye lymphomas will have chemotherapy. You may possess the chemotherapy into the fluid around your spinal cord (intrathecal chemotherapy). You are likely to have radiotherapy as well. The chemotherapy drugs in which doctors use most often are

  • Methotrexate

  • Cytarabine (Ara-C)

  • Thiotepa

The links above take you straight to information about the specific side effects of these chemotherapy drugs.

Doctors use chemotherapy to treat eye lymphoma inside same way as for various other types of non Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Look inside non Hodgkin’s lymphoma section for information about chemotherapy for lymphoma.

Lifestyle adjustments after  Eye Cancer

You can't change the fact in which you have had cancer. What you can change can be how you live the rest of your life -- creating choices to help you stay healthy as well as feel as well as you can. in which can be a time to look at your life in completely new ways. Maybe you are thinking about how to improve your health over the long term. Some people even start during cancer treatment.

creating healthier choices

For many people, a diagnosis of cancer helps them focus on their health in ways they may not have thought much about inside past. Are there things you could do in which might make you healthier? Maybe you could try to eat better or get more exercise. Maybe you could cut down on the alcohol, or give up tobacco. Even things like keeping your stress level under control may help. right now can be a Great time to think about creating adjustments in which can have positive effects for the rest of your life. You will feel better as well as you will also be healthier.

Eating better

If treatment caused weight adjustments or eating or taste problems, do the best you can as well as keep in mind in which these problems usually get better over time. You may find in which helps to eat modest portions every 2 to 3 hours until you feel better. You may also want to ask your cancer team about seeing a dietitian, an expert in nutrition who can give you ideas on how to deal with these treatment side effects.

One of the best things you can do after cancer treatment can be put healthy eating habits into place. You may be surprised at the long-term benefits of some simple adjustments, like increasing the variety of healthy foods you eat. Getting to as well as staying at a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, as well as limiting your alcohol intake may lower your risk for quite a few types of cancer, as well as having many various other health benefits.

Rest, fatigue, as well as exercise

If you were sick as well as not very active during treatment, in which can be normal for your fitness, endurance, as well as muscle strength to decline. Any plan for physical activity should fit your own situation. An older person who has never exercised will not be able to take on the same amount of exercise as a 20-year-old who plays tennis twice a week. If you haven't exercised in a few years, you will have to start slowly – maybe just by taking short walks.

If you are very tired, you will need to balance activity with rest. in which can be OK to rest when you need to. Sometimes in which's truly hard for people to allow themselves to rest when they are used to working all day or taking care of a household, yet in which can be not the time to push yourself too hard. Listen to your body as well as rest when you need to. (For more information on dealing with fatigue, please see Fatigue in People With Cancer as well as Anemia in People With Cancer.)

Keep in mind exercise can improve your physical as well as emotional health.

  • in which improves your cardiovascular (heart as well as circulation) fitness.

  • Along that has a Great diet, in which will help you get to as well as stay at a healthy weight.

  • in which makes your muscles stronger.

  • in which reduces fatigue as well as helps you have more energy.

  • in which can help lower anxiety as well as depression.

  • in which can make you feel happier.

  • in which helps you feel better about yourself.

Blurry Vision with Toric Lens Implant

Blurry Vision with Toric Lens Implant

To ensure that will you stay as healthy as possible, we've outlined a guide that will should help you do just that will -- detailing your physical, mental, along with emotional health. Before discussing Blurry Vision with Toric Lens Implant, consider that will Balanced nutrition has many benefits. By generating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, along with diabetes.
Question:  I had cataract surgery & toric lens implants for astigmatism. My right eye will be at This specific point 20/25 distance vision.  yet my left eye will be 20/80 distance vision & glasses can only correct the idea to 20/60. My cataract surgeon suggests leaving the idea that will way or removing toric lens in left eye & implant a basic lens implant, then use glasses for distance along with reading. Are there some other options? I paid one more $3500 total for toric lens along with going to a normal lens implant seems a rip-off. The normal lens will be paid for by insurance. yet definitely if I can get better sight in my left eye I want care about the cost. Suggestions please. Thanks.
Answer: If your left eye will be 20/80 that has a best correctable vision of 20/60 with glasses, then you need to immediately find out why, as the idea will be entirely possible that will there will be a reason that will has nothing to do with the lens implant. You do not state how long ago your cataract surgery was. yet, do you have posterior capsular opacification-which could be causing the blur. Do you have residual corneal swelling? Do you have macular edema? Do you have age related macular degeneration? Or one of many some other possible reasons that will need to be identified. You need to find out the cause of the 20/60 best correctable vision BEFORE generating decisions about the lens implant exchange. Ask your cataract surgeon to identify along with explain This specific to you along with then make the decision. If he or she will be unable to do so, get a second opinion.

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information within the Ask Cataract Surgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com will be not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery or Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com will be not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist along with Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any some other means will be not a substitute for medical care.

Check the item Well which can be Don't Neglect Squint Eyes

Health can be often not in note when we're fine. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, in addition to also injuries. Before discussing Don't Neglect Squint Eyes, consider which Balanced nutrition has many benefits. By producing healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, in addition to also diabetes.

Don't Neglect Squint Eyes

Squint eyes through the years have been looked upon as a black spot

on the human beauty. Nevertheless, the item has been posing the

prospective brides with innumerable problems in matters of

matrimony. However of a beauty she might be, one look at her

eyes the boy turns her down. Such boys do not care to probe

whether squint eyes can be set right.
Sometimes, on the various other hand, people with squint are considered

lucky inside society. although the Ophthalmologists who know the

consequences of squint, do not think so. On the contrary, they

stress the disadvantages in addition to also negative aspects of squints- as

outlined below.
The two eyes normally should be in a definite visual axis.

A manifest deviation of the visual axis of either eye can be known

as squint or strabismus. So one eye can be deviating or squinting,

the various other eye takes up the visual function mainly. So the item

becomes a dominate eye. Most of the time, the deviating eye

slowly becomes impaired functionally. Later the item almost becomes

blind. which hard fact will not be known to the squinting person

unless he closes the Great eye in addition to also tests for the various other eye vision.
When the degree of squint can be gross, the item can be very easy to recognise

which. although when there can be a tiny amount of squint, various tests

have to be done to diagnose correctly the type in addition to also amount in addition to also

presence of squint.
Mainly there are two types of squint -paralytic in addition to also non-paralytic.

There are seven tiny muscles around each eye-ball, which are

responsible for the various movements of the eye. These muscles

are supplied by 3rd,4th, in addition to also 6th cranial nerves- which are derived

coming from the brain.
Whenever these nerves become weak or lose their conducting

capacity, the respective eye muscles become immobile. So when

the various other normal eye moves in a particular direction, if the

affected eye cannot move inside same direction, squint becomes

evident which can be a paralytic squint.
Non- paralytic or concomitant deviations are for the most part,

produced by anomalies of the power of convergence in addition to also divergence

in addition to also the co-ordinated use of the two eyes to obtain binocular

single vision. In these cases the amount in addition to also character of the

deviation does not vary when the eyes are turned to the right

or left.
Before going to the causes of squint, the item can be necessary to know

the necessity of two eyes. the item can be the fact which when we observe a

single object with both the eyes we see the item as an individual object

instead of two. Obviously one may ask -what can be the necessity of

having two eyes? Even if one becomes blind, the various other one can

function normally - one may think.
One eye can be always complement to the various other eye. When we see

with both eyes, the extent or field of vision can be definitely wider

than with one eye. Moreover, two eyes are necessary to have

what we call as " BINOCULAR SINGLE VISION" the important

aspect of which being depth perception. There are 3 stages in which

binocular single vision.

1. Simultaneous perception.

2. Fusion.

3. Steriopsis ( the one which gives the sense of depth )
The development of reflexes concerning the binocular single

vision in addition to also the movements of eye muscles - are not complete

until the child can be 5 years. Usually which will be established

when the child becomes 8 years old. So any disturbances during

which period ( below 5years ) may hamper the relation between the

movement of the two eyes in addition to also may cause a squint.
Causes of Squint :

1. Accommodation in addition to also convergence anomalies.

2. Refractive errors.

3. Weakness inside nerves supplying the eye muscles.

4. The gross difference inside vision between 2 eyes

due to any reason.

5. Patching or closing of one eye for a prolonged period.

6. Defect inside development of the nerves between retina

in addition to also the brain.

7. Hereditary in addition to also genetic or familial causes.
Clinically, there are two types of squints - Convergent Squint-

when one or both eyes are turned in, in addition to also Divergent Squint -

when one eye can be turned outside the normal visual axis.
Treatment :
No case of squint can be said to be 'cured' unless, in addition

to normality of appearance, there can be restoration of binocular

single vision in all circumstances. Although the latter cannot

be achieved in every case, a satisfactory cosmetic result can

invariably be obtained by means of operation or surgery.
In a case of squint there may be three possible defects of

function which have to be remedied:
1. The loss of normal function of the squinting eye. which

may not only concerns visual acuity although also visual

2. The loss of normal binocular function.
3. The physical deformity caused by the deviation of the

visual axis. which can be the defect which attracts the attention of

parents although can be the least important coming from the point of view

of visual function.
To give complete treatment, child should be between 6 in addition to also

8 years. So the parents in addition to also school teachers have a very

important role to play. They should subject these squinting

children for treatment at the earliest. Because any treatment

or surgical correction done after the age of 8 years can be not

complete or perfect because then we can only correct the

physical deformity although we cannot get the very important

functional part of the item i.e. binocular single vision. So most of

the time in persons who are treated for squint after the age

of 8 years, one eye could be stronger, various other eye could be

weaker. They will not have binocular single vision - which

can give them the exact form in addition to also depth perception.
The methods of treatment:
1. Correcting the refractive errors - by glasses whenever

refractive error can be found to be the cause of squint.
2. Deliberate occlusion or patching of the fixing eye so as

to improve the vision of the squinting eye.
3. By special type of (orthoptic ) exercises in order to

improve the binocular faculties.
4. By operation or surgery - to restore parallelism of the

visual axis.
One or more of these methods or all four may be needed in any individual

Finally the item can be the dire responsibility of the parents in addition to also the

teachers to detect which malady, which renders their children

look ugly inside eyes, during the tender age of 6 to 8 years

lest the item can be practically impossible to develop a squintless society.
-- Dr.H.S.Mohan

Check the item Well This specific will be Growths in addition to Bumps on the White of Your Eyes - Usually Your Optometrist Will Find a Pinguecula

When Body Fit will be often not in note when we're fine. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, in addition to injuries. Before discussing Growths in addition to Bumps on the White of Your Eyes - Usually Your Optometrist Will Find a Pinguecula, understand if Great nutrition has many benefits. By doing healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, in addition to diabetes.

Growths in addition to Bumps on the White of Your Eyes - Usually Your Optometrist Will Find a Pinguecula

A sudden rush to the optometrist will be often precipitated by an awareness of a brand new bump that will appears to have grown overnight on the white part of the eye. Sometimes a person will notice the item when looking in a mirror, or a family member will comment on a brand new growth they see. Sometimes cancer does cause growths to appear on the white part of the eye although This specific will be fairly rare. More likely the bump will be on the conjunctiva, the clear tissue overlaying the white part of the eye known as the sclera. Usually This specific type of growth will be benign in addition to very slow growing, in addition to typically will be diagnosed as a pinguecula. The appearance often features a slightly yellow tinge, although in can be a white translucent colour. When they become mildly irritated, blood vessels heighten their visibility. Many brand new contact lens wearers spend significant time closely examining their eyes in a mirror than ever before as they learn to handle contact lenses during the first few weeks. This specific will be a common cause for first noticing a growth that will probably has been present for several years.
Pinguecula are caused by ultraviolet exposure by the sun in addition to low level irritation such as blowing dust in addition to particles. People who spend significant time outdoors are more at risk, especially closer to the equator. Sun by the snow in addition to water creates more ultraviolet exposure, as most people have learned by sunburns. If the item damages your skin the same process will be happening on the conjunctiva, only faster. The conjunctive tissue lacks the protective keratin layer the skin has. the item also does not form a protective accumulation of pigment by sunlight exposure (the conjunctiva does not tan). Higher altitudes equate with less atmosphere to filter out UV radiation in addition to subsequently more dosage on the eye. The ultraviolet radiation acts to degrade the structural framework of the tissue including the elastic proteins in addition to collagen. Over many year, the growth slowly develops. By the time people are 75 to 80 years old the majority will have some sign of a growth, even if the item will be not noticeable from the mirror.
The largest concern will be a serious eye problem, in addition to any growth on the eye requires a visit to the eye doctor for a proper diagnosis. Prevention will be the second thing you should think of once the item has been diagnosed as a pinguecula. Ultraviolet protection will be of up most importance. When you think of sunscreen, think of sunscreen for your eyes. Quality sunglasses can eliminate almost all of the ultraviolet radiation by a frontal direction. Up to 40% may still enter by the sides, so many people choose frames that will wrap around their face or have large side temples on the sides. Lenses that will automatically lighten in addition to darken also block almost all frontal UV. Hats with brows reduce the amount of sunlight. Recommendations for sun exposure are similar to those for avoiding skin cancer. Avoid being outside between 11 am to 3 pm. The mornings in addition to late afternoons supply longer pathways for the sun to travel though in addition to subsequently filter out more U.V. Motorcycle wearers develop the risk of both sunlight in addition to flying particles in addition to should wear specially designed frames that will wrap in addition to seal to their face. Give your children an early dose of prevention by having them wear sunglasses starting at a young age. A note of caution for sunglasses--make sure they are high quality in addition to not a $5.00 imitation. Dark lenses allow the eye to dilate in addition to if there will be inadequate UV protection the exposure will actually be higher than the item could be without sun wear. Since visible violet in addition to blue light may be deleterious to the inside of the eye you should also avoid blue in addition to violet sun glass lenses.
Occasionally pinguecula become very red in addition to inflamed. This specific will be not a infection in addition to can be treated if needed with prescription eye drops. Remember, you only two eyes in addition to you should do everything you can to make sure they stay healthy, including having any brand new appearance of a growth checked by your optometrist.

Uveal Melanoma (Eye (Iris) Cancer)

Uveal Melanoma (Eye (Iris) Cancer)

To ensure in which you stay as healthy as possible, we've outlined a guide in which should help you do just in which -- detailing your physical, mental, in addition to emotional health. Before discussing Uveal Melanoma (Eye (Iris) Cancer), consider in which Balanced nutrition has many benefits. By generating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, in addition to diabetes.


Uveal melanomas may arise through any of the three parts of the uvea, in addition to are sometimes referred to by their location, as Choroidal melanoma, ciliary body melanoma, or iris melanoma. Large tumors often encompass multiple parts of the uvea in addition to can be named accordingly. True iris melanomas, originating through within the iris as opposed to originating elsewhere in addition to invading the iris, are distinct in their etiology in addition to prognosis, such in which the additional tumors are often referred to collectively as Posterior uveal melanomas.

Iris melanoma

Uveal tumors can originate through melanocytes residing within the iris. Benign melanocytic tumors, such as iris freckles in addition to moles (nevi), are common in addition to pose no health risks, unless they show signs of malignancy, in which case they are classified as iris melanomas. Though derived through uveal melanocytes, iris melanomas share more in common with cutaneous (skin) melanomas, in in which they frequently harbor BRAF mutations associated with ultraviolet damage. Iris melanomas are much less likely to metastasize than additional uveal melanomas, in addition to less likely to impair vision if detected in addition to treated early.

Posterior uveal melanoma

Benign melanocytic tumors of the choroid, such as choroidal freckles in addition to nevi, are very common in addition to pose no health risks, unless they show signs of malignancy, in which case they are considered melanomas. Uveal melanoma will be distinct through most skin melanomas associated with ultraviolet exposure; however, in which shares several similarities with non-sun-exposed melanomas, such as acral melanomas in addition to mucosal melanomas. BRAF mutations are extremely rare in posterior uveal melanomas; instead, uveal melanomas frequently harbor GNAQ/GNA11 mutations, a trait shared with blue nevi, Nevus of Ota, in addition to Ocular melanosis. As seen in BRAF, mutations in GNAQ/GNA11 are early events in tumorigenesis in addition to are not prognostic for tumor stage or later metastatic spread. In contrast, mutations inside the gene BAP1 are strongly linked to metastatic spread in addition to patient survival. Incidence of posterior uveal melanoma will be highest among people with light skin in addition to blue eyes. additional risk factors, such as blue light exposure in addition to arc welding have been put forward, although are still debated inside the field. Mobile phone use will be not a risk factor for uveal melanoma.


The treatment protocol for uveal melanoma has been directed by many clinical studies, the most important being "The Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study" (COMS). The treatment varies depending upon many factors, chief among them, the size of the tumor. Primary treatment can involve removal of the affected eye (enucleation); however, This specific will be currently reserved for cases of extreme tumor burden or additional secondary problems. Advances in radiation therapies have significantly decreased the number of patients treated by enucleation in developed countries. The most common radiation treatment will be plaque brachytherapy, in which a modest disc-shaped shield (plaque) encasing radioactive seeds (most often Iodine-125, though Ruthenium-106 in addition to Palladium-103 are also used) will be attached to the outside surface of the eye, overlying the tumor. The plaque will be left in place for a few days in addition to then removed. The risk of metastasis after plaque radiotherapy will be the same as in which of enucleation, suggesting in which micrometastatic spread occurs prior to treatment of the primary tumor. additional modalities of treatment include transpupillary thermotherapy, external beam proton therapy, resection of the tumor, Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery or a combination of different modalities. Different surgical resection techniques can include trans-scleral partial choroidectomy, in addition to transretinal endoresection.

Understand This particular for a Moment Here Are Asbestos Fibers Visible to the Eye?

When Body Fit is actually something of which is actually easy to take for granted. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, in addition to injuries. Before discussing Are Asbestos Fibers Visible to the Eye?, understand if Great nutrition has many benefits. By doing healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, in addition to diabetes.

Are Asbestos Fibers Visible to the Eye?

If you are inside the construction business or employed by an industry of which uses products containing asbestos, you may wonder "Are asbestos fibers visible to the eye"? Generally asbestos fibers are too smaller to be seen by the naked eye. Asbestos becomes dangerous when This particular has broken down into smaller fibers in addition to is actually inhaled. This particular is actually nearly impossible to detect the presence of asbestos without taking the material to a lab for testing. A lab technician will put the material under a microscope to search for asbestos fibers. Asbestos does not cause an immediate reaction. This particular will not cause you to cough, sneeze, or your eyes to water. You cannot see, smell, or taste asbestos. If you skin becomes contaminated with asbestos This particular will not burn or itch.
Asbestos related diseases have a very long latency period. This particular is actually the time frame through when you are first exposed to asbestos until you become ill. Most persons do not become ill for at least ten years after exposure in addition to some not until over forty years later. Asbestosis, lung cancer, in addition to mesothelioma are all asbestos related diseases. Asbestosis occurs when asbestos fibers enter the lungs. The body will naturally produce an acid to combat the fibers. However, This particular acid can cause scarring inside the tissue of the lungs in addition to in advanced stages breathing becomes more difficult in addition to painful. Asbestosis was first documented in shipyard workers. Asbestos can also cause lung cancer. If a person smokes in addition to is actually exposed to asbestos, they have a much greater chance of developing lung cancer. Mesothelioma is actually a type of cancer of which has only been linked to asbestos exposure. This particular is actually a cancer of the cells of which line the peritoneum (area surrounding the abdominal organs) in addition to the pleura (area outside of the lungs in addition to inside of the ribs).
There is actually a lot of debate in addition to controversy surrounding which types of asbestos is actually harmful. Some types of asbestos are thought to be more dangerous than others however all types of asbestos exposure should be avoided. Actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, crocidolite, chrysotile (white asbestos), in addition to tremolite are all types of asbestos. Chrysotile is actually the type of asbestos most commonly used in manufacturing products.
Asbestos fibers are not visible to the eye. If you feel you may have been exposed to asbestos, the most common method for testing is actually a chest x-ray. The x-ray will not show the asbestos fibers however This particular can spot early signs of lung disease. There is actually no known cure for asbestos related diseases.

Spider Web Vision after Cataract Surgery

Spider Web Vision after Cataract Surgery

To ensure that will you stay as healthy as possible, we've outlined a guide that will should help you do just that will -- detailing your physical, mental, as well as emotional health. Before discussing Spider Web Vision after Cataract Surgery, understand if Great nutrition has many benefits. By creating healthier food choices, you can prevent or treat some conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, as well as diabetes.

Question: I had cataracts removed as well as toric lens implants in March. The left eye was done first. I had severe astigmatism as well as nearsightedness. I was told that will I might only need glasses for working on the computer as well as reading. However, while I'm waiting on my glasses, I find that will I have developed some massive spider web like floaters in my direct line of vision. My cataract surgeon even could see that will is usually where they are. My distance is usually getting worse as well as prior to the surgery, I could see to read slightly without my glasses. at This kind of point, I cannot see to read anything without help (using readers for at This kind of point). Everything is usually cloudy, out of focus as well as I feel like I have made a grave error in having This kind of procedure done. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Any help you can give me might be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Without a careful examination the idea is usually impossible to say for sure nevertheless the idea does sound like you are describing a common occurrence after cataract surgery called a vitreous detachment. In fact some 50% or more of patients having cataract surgery experience a vitreous detachment-nevertheless not all instances cause vision problems. The vitreous gel is usually normally adhering to the surface of the retina. With age the gel liquefies as well as separates-especially after cataract surgery-coming from the retinal surface. If This kind of happens on the visual axis the idea can cause exactly what you are noting. The Great news is usually that will over time This kind of disturbance does go away by itself with no treatment necessary.

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information inside Ask Cataract Surgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com is usually not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery or Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com is usually not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist as well as Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any some other means is usually not a substitute for medical care.

Understand the idea for a Moment Here The Vision Health Benefits Of Strawberries For Better Eyesight

Health is usually often not in note when we're fine. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, in addition to injuries. Before discussing The Vision Health Benefits Of Strawberries For Better Eyesight, note that will A healthy diet can help you keep your body healthy, as well. What you eat is usually closely linked to your health. When we start losing the idea, the idea's hard to believe we spent so long not valuing the idea.

The Vision Health Benefits Of Strawberries For Better Eyesight

As a nutritious food to improve eyesight tasty strawberries are ideal for creating a delicious smoothie. Additionally, that will red fruit filled with tons of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins in addition to minerals is usually a Great compliment to your ideal Yogurt dessert treat. that will extremely nutritious food for better eyesight provides a series of health benefits including better immune health, better brain health, protection coming from cancer in addition to a decrease in blood pressure to name a few. Some nutritional ingredients in strawberries include vitamins in addition to minerals such as vitamin C, magnesium, Potassium, Folate in addition to dietary fiber to name a few. nevertheless did you know that will that will antioxidant rich fruit is usually also Great for your eyes as well? Therefore, here are some of the nutritional benefits of strawberries for better vision health along with some of its general health benefits:
Eye health Benefits - that will eye food consists of free radical fighting antioxidants, flavonoids in addition to phytochemicals for vision protection. These can actually decrease the pressure inside eyes. coming from that will point of view, strawberries are a Great nutritional preventive measure against Glaucoma. Strawberries consists of Potassium which increases healthy circulation to the blood vessels of the eyes in addition to that will is usually also important in normalizing healthy pressure inside eyes.
Boosts The Immune System - Due to its rich vitamin C content the idea significantly boosts the immune system. The rich antioxidant properties in strawberries neutralizes damaging free radicals inside body that will are harmful to the DNA of healthy cells in addition to therefore the idea increases the body's immune system defenses against diseases. Strawberries provide about 150% of your daily recommended allowance for vitamin C for better immune health.
Cancer Fighter: Strawberries consist of Vitamin C, Folate, quercetin in addition to anthocyanins. These nutritional elements work together to fight free radicals, cancer cells in addition to tumor growth. The daily consumption of strawberries not only reduces the risks for cancer nevertheless also reduces the negative effects of aging on the brain thereby improving brain health.
Improves Brain Function: the nutritional elements in strawberries such as its vitamin C content as well as its phytochemical content counteract the negative effects of free radicals inside brain. Strawberries consists of Iodine which is usually a nutrient vital in improving brain function in addition to Potassium which improves cognitive function. Therefore, regular daily consumption of strawberries is usually useful in improving cognitive skills such as concentration, memory in addition to recall.
Lowers Blood Pressure: Strawberries Lower blood pressure due to its Potassium in addition to Magnesium content. Potassium dilates blood vessels thereby improving the flow of blood circulation to the arteries of the heart.
Strawberries make a wonderful snack when combined with additional fruits to make smoothies in addition to is usually also an ideal addition to your favorite Yogurt snack. With multiple benefits ranging coming from better eye, heart, brain in addition to immune health, ultimately, creating that will healthy fruit a part of your daily diet is usually certainly a very wise nutritional choice for maximum general health in addition to eye health.