Lens Implant Materials with Retinal Surgery Risk

Lens Implant Materials with Retinal Surgery Risk

Health can be often not in note when we're fine. A lot of factors play a role in staying healthy. In turn, Great health can decrease your risk of developing certain conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, some cancers, along with injuries. Before discussing Lens Implant Materials with Retinal Surgery Risk, understand if A healthy diet can help you keep your body healthy, as well. What you eat can be closely linked to your health. When we start losing the idea, the idea's hard to believe we spent so long not valuing the idea.
Question:  I am considered legally blind in one eye along with at This kind of point need cataract surgery in my Great eye. Years ago I had a vitreous detachment in in which eye, along with I have floaters. I read in which silicone lenses should not be used in a person in which may have to have vitreoretinal surgery down the way.  Because I had a vitreous detachment along with have floaters, does in which mean me?  My cataractsurgeon only uses a silicone lens which can be the Bausch & Lomb L161AO.  I went to another doctor who uses the Alcon AcrySof SN60WF, although I read of a glistening through This kind of lens.  Which lens would likely be better for me?
Answer: Certainly in any one eyed patient the cataract surgeon wants to be as cautious as necessary along with will guide you to the best choice of lens implant. First, while you had a vitreous detachment you do not state whether the retina can be in any way compromised with excessive thinning, holes or tears, or whether there are any tractional areas on the retina. This kind of should be evaluated by your cataract surgeon along with perhaps even having a consultation that has a retina specialist might be in order. This kind of information can be the basis for assessing the risk of needing vitreoretinal surgeon along with might lead to some preventative treatment options. Once ths can be evaluated along with discussed you can as the cataract surgeon along with the retinal specialist to make a lens implant material recommendation for you.

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information within the Ask CataractSurgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com can be not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery or Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com can be not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist along with Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any additional means can be not a substitute for medical care.
